Kappra Loves Her Nuts!
Listen, we are big on nuts. Our fully plant-based cuisine relies on a lot of these to replace dairy so if you have extreme allergic reactions to nuts (and need food produced in a fully nut-free kitchen facility) we wouldn’t recommend you risk dining with us!
However, if you just require foods that are nut-free, we’re super happy to serve:
For Drinks: Ask to switch out the almond milk for soy in any of our milk-based beverages and then obviously all of our Monsoon Teas, any of our Black Coffees, or anything on the Sparkling menu
Nam Tok Mhoo Yang, Tofu Teriyaki, “Velvet” aVo, The Bibimbap all nut-free!
Smoothie bowls - without the granola! And let our baristas know to make sure they use Bonsoy rather than Almond milk in yours
Puddings (Strawberry-Chocolate Chia Pudding, Mango-Pashion Chia Pudding or our “Puffin” Fresh Soy Pudding)
A good tip is our Supreme Cream Cheese is nut-based so ask if you want something that has the cream, ask our chefs to use our housemade Mayos instead (available for certain menus!)
If you have extreme allergic reactions and require a fully nut-free kitchen facility, we wouldn’t recommend ordering a meal with Kappra just yet!